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At Sensori Photography, we blend life experiences with photography so that we will cherish these moments forever.  We believe that every moment is a moment to be cherished. Often times, we rely on our memory and sometimes that can fail us.  Life happens, things change, we're never stagnant. As an individual and veteran who has lost many friends and family, I want to learn from my mistakes and give others the opportunity to remember their loved ones, that special occasion, that life changing event.

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Know Us

Our goal at Sensori Photography is to capture as the moments as we can, not just the special moments, every moment is a special moment.  We specialize in candid and life photography, trying to capture the emotional authenticity of the moment. 


About Me

Moving pictures and amazing sound design always intrigued me, not just how they work but how they affect the mind and body.  I attended the Los Angeles Film School in hopes of becoming a part of something bigger than me.  While there, I discovered Computer Animation and started working on post-production short films.  Although movies were fun, multiple pictures telling a story, I began to wonder how much a single photo can influence someone.  While making the transition from Audio to Film, I thought about all the friends I lost, all the opportunities I missed by not taking photos of my friends, my family.  As I age, I begin to realize how little photos we take of not just ourselves, but with our friends, our family.  As I picked up photography, I do my best to capture every moment I can with loved ones.  Even the simplest of photos goes a long way.  Just like how we age, we tend to forget the little things, picking up a single photo, just a bit, we relive the past, remember the ones who are too busy, the lives we once lived, the ones that are no longer with us.  I make it a priority to capture and share these moments, hoping it brings as much joy to them as it does to me.

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